PAYGAZ works with its network of partners to bring awareness that LPG has in enhancing the wellbeing of its consumers especially in rural areas in the Horn of Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. LPG is a clean burning fuel that is low carbon, emits virtually no black carbon and does not spill. Its use improves air quality, reduces the emissions of GHGs and protects the environment. 

The use of wood fuel in these regions, has caused mass deforestation mostly in the DRC, Uganda, and Ethiopia.In the last 20 years according to York University in the UK,this loss emitted more than 450 million tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.The use of easily accessible and sustainable LPG will greatly reduce emissions.

To achieve our goal, we strive to work with strategic partners by providing not only LPG fuel but also its technology for effortless distribution such as intelligent LPG metering systems “Trace &Pay “enabling more control of correct distribution and profits, state of the art Mobile LPG refilling stations, Petrol to LPG vehicle conversion on a BOOT basis for the green Taxi industry and postal services specifically in Ethiopia.

Servicing of apartment buildings can reach a wider audience, through our partners distribution we achieve this goal by supplying sufficient storage for the number of occupants the means of the LPG to reach the apartment via pipes a smart wireless system to maintain consumption and cashless billing which can be paid via our cashless systems, we also provide Hot water LPG systems which enables homes to have hot water constantly.

We want to provide easy access of LPG to all homes and businesses from the ground up. Distribution in a safe environment, metered sophisticated distribution and safe cooking environments at home and pay on demand cashless portal.